
Posts Tagged ‘Annie de Launay’

I can’t find it published online anywhere yet, but I’m told privately that the “Caillebotte Brothers Private World” exhibition is coming to Canada.  I hope I’m not spilling the beans.  I saw it at the Musee Jacquemart Andre in Paris back in March when it had just opened.  To a cousin of Gustave and Martial, I was more really interested in the family photos, which I had not yet seen.

I’m planning to attend the opening of the Montreal exhibition.  I’m hoping some of the de Launay descendants can make the trip to see not just the exhibition, but our Caillebotte descendant cousins, whom our families had lost touch with after the death of my great-grandmother, Annie de Launay in 1919.  My grandfather was just 15 years old, when Gustave died in 1894, but was already a painter and pianist himself by the age of 9, most likely following in his older cousins’ (Martial the pianist, and Gustave the painter) footsteps.

It’s getting close, so the dates should be announced soon.  I’ll repeat the official dates and location here on this blog when they are released, but I think it will open sometime in early October.

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This morning my mother and I were cataloging old family photos from the 1800’s and early 1900’s when we finally found the photo of President & Mrs. James A. Garfield we thought was lost.  The photo was given to my great-grandmother, Annie (Ollerenshaw) de Launay in the 1880’s by Mrs. Garfield.  We have a letter dated 20 November 1883, and publish in “The Christian” on 29 December 1883 on page 486 (Microfilm reel 18, Volume 18), that one photo was given to her, along with a photo (on porcelain) of the Late President, during her personal visit to the former First Lady in Ohio in 1883.  The back of this photo, however, seems to show either 1884 or 1887.  The last digit is difficult to read, but appears to be in the First Lady’s handwriting.  The bottom of the backside has other writing that appears to have either worn off, or been scratched off for whatever reason, but is in different handwriting.

The President and Former First Lady gave financial support to my great-grandfather’s Protestant mission to Paris, which began in January 1878.  The “Christian Standard” (a weekly) was first published in Cleveland, Ohio.  James A. Garfield, the future President of the United States, headed the board of Editors of the “Christian Publishing Association”, founded in 1866.


En français:

Ce matin, ma mère et moi étions catalogage vieilles photos de famille des années 1800 et début des années 1900 lorsque nous avons finalement trouvé la photo du président et Mme James Garfield A. l’on croyait perdu. La photo a été donné à mon arrière grand-mère, Annie (Ollerenshaw) de Launay dans les années 1880 par Mme Garfield. Nous avons une lettre datée du 20 Novembre 1883, et publie dans “Le chrétien”, le 29 Décembre 1883 sur la page 486 (Bobine de microfilm 18, tome 18), que d’une photo lui a été donné, avec une photo (sur porcelaine) de la Feu le Président, lors de sa visite personnelle de l’ex-Première Dame dans l’Ohio en 1883. Le dos de cette photo, toutefois, semble montrer, soit 1884 ou 1887. Le dernier chiffre est difficile à lire, mais semble être de la main de la Première Dame. Le fond de l’arrière a écrit d’autres qui semble avoir soit disparu, soit été gratté pour une raison quelconque, mais est en écriture différente.

Le président et ex-First Lady a apporté son soutien financier à la mission protestante de mon grand-père à Paris, qui a débuté en Janvier 1878. Le “Christian Standard” (une semaine) a été publiée à Cleveland, Ohio. James A. Garfield, le futur président des États-Unis, a dirigé le comité de rédaction de l ‘«Association chrétienne de publication”, fondée en 1866.

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